Information Overload! Curriculum Chaos! Busy Bees! That pretty much describes what's been happening in our schooling! I may have expected too much out of my kids this school year. I found great unit studies and curriculum last year to use for this school year. Our days were packed full and very busy. I found myself becoming a slave to the curriculum. "The lesson plan says we have to do this, so we have to do it!" One by one unit studies began falling away. School wasn't fun for any of us for a while. We've pruned away many things and scaled back on some. School is so much more enjoyable to teach and for the kids to learn! Every subject doesn't need to be taught everday!!! For now, we've dropped our Expedition Earth program. We have a history class at the library we attend every week and geography is a huge part of that. I found that we were really duplicating assignments and projects with the 2 curriculum. Now we really put a lot of focus into our History Hideaways class. More projects, more assignments, more fun! I took over the curriculum writing for that class a couple months ago. It's been time consuming and challenging at times but I enjoy it. I find things that fit all learning styles as well so everyone in the class benefits. This is also why I haven't blogged anything for a while. First, we were just too busy (my fault!) and then I was busy with the history stuff.
I've had a note taped to my computer screen for over a month that says, "Update blog". I'm finally doing that! One more thing checked off the list! I hope to keep updating on a regular basis but it may end up not being so regular!
Sometimes Less really is More!
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